Sliding Side-Kick

Tae Kwon Do >> Kicks >> Sliding Side-Kick

As with all kicks, this kick should be performed using a good fighting stance:  feet on two tracks, back foot turned about 45°, shoulders will be about 15° to 20°.  The hints below suggest a different stance.  That is because those are the tips that helped me get my kick technique corrected.  After getting correct technique, the kick should be performed from a correct fighting stance.
Sliding side-kick
An attacking kick where the back foot slides behind the kicking foot (generating distance) and the kicking leg comes from the side of the body.

  • A demonstration of the technique
  • Required board breaking kick, both legs, for 1st degree black belt

Hints to performing with good technique
  1. Start with a longer than normal front stance.
  2. Feet and hips (particularly hips) squarely face forward - every degree rotated to the side will rob the kick of power.
  3. Slide the back foot forward, quickly, on the ball of your foot, behind and past the kicking foot (this is the pivot):  sliding foot stays close to the back foot; heel pointed forward to the target - every degree away from 180° will prevent proper rotation of the hips required for the "side" kick.
  4. Kicking leg comes up, knee pointing to the side.
  5. Foot strikes target with toes pointing down (from the rotation generated during the pivot).
  6. The body should remain upright with no backward-lean, away from the target, or bend-sideward, toward the kicking-knee.
  7. Done correctly, you will feel a compression stretch near the kidneys.
    updated 19 April 2013
    Tae Kwon Do >> Kicks >> Sliding Side-Kick